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Helpful examples of applying XGBoost models to real-world datasets.

These are “toy” datasets typically or historically used in academia for comparing or evaluating machine learning models.

XGBoost for the Abalone Age Dataset
XGBoost for the Adult Dataset
XGBoost for the Boston Housing Dataset
XGBoost for the California Housing Dataset
XGBoost for the Cleveland Heart Disease Dataset
XGBoost for the Covertype Dataset
XGBoost for the Diabetes Dataset
XGBoost for the Glass Identification Dataset
XGBoost for the Handwritten Digits Dataset
XGBoost for the Higgs Boson Dataset
XGBoost for the Horse Colic Dataset
XGBoost for the Ionosphere Dataset
XGBoost for the Iris Dataset
XGBoost for the Kaggle Bank Churn Dataset
XGBoost for the Kaggle Credit Card Fraud Detection Dataset
XGBoost for the Kaggle Higgs Boson Dataset
XGBoost for the Kaggle House Prices Dataset
XGBoost for the Kaggle House Sales in King County Dataset
XGBoost for the Kaggle MINST Handwritten Digit Recognizer Dataset
XGBoost for the Kaggle Otto Group Product Classification Dataset
XGBoost for the Kaggle Titanic Dataset
XGBoost for the KDDCup99 Dataset
XGBoost for the Linnerud Dataset
XGBoost for the Pima Indians Diabetes Dataset
XGBoost for the Sonar Dataset
XGBoost for the Wheat Seeds Dataset
XGBoost for the Wholesale Customers Dataset
XGBoost for the Wine Dataset
XGBoost for the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset